Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Five Animals

So, I got this survey in my email, basically a chain mail type thing. I normally ignore them, or take a look and toss them. I’m definitely not into the whole “send this to 50 people and you will get your wish” thing. But this email came from a good friend, so I gave it a try.

It was a questionnaire of sorts, but only had four questions. It was a type of Buddhist philosophy sort of thing. The funny thing is that I went through the whole test, and although I may not have liked some of the answers, I found them all to be true deep down. Intersting…

Here are my answers and what they mean…

First it asked me to put five animals in the order I think they should go in…

Horse, Pig, Sheep, Cow, Tiger

I chose: Tiger, cow, sheep, horse, pig… here’s what each stands for as far as importance in my life (or at least that’s the way they explained it).

Tiger = Pride
Cow = Career
Sheep = Love
Horse = Family
Pig = Money

Interesting again… although, I would never like to admit it (and maybe some of you feel the same way), but I make many decisions based on pride. Whether or not what I am doing will make me look good or bad as a person. Which is prideful, I think. My career is definitely important to me, even though it is not a conventional path. Love, love, love, and more love are of huge importance. It’s funny that family is fourth, I love my family very much and would do anything for them. But the way I took it is that I have been back and forth as to whether or not to ever have a family of my own. And it is no surprise that money is last… I have never been money driven.

What order would you have put them in?

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